Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Recycled Silk Sari Ribbons

Silk Sari Ribbons

Saturday, in Murfreesboro, I scored a deal at the American Cancer Society yard sale. For one dollar, I got to fill a bag full of clothing, and one of my finds was this gorgeous 100% silk sari. I washed the garment, cut it into a large square piece, and tore it into 1 inch strips. The ribbons above are some of the gorgeous recycled silk ribbons made from this fabulous find. In the last picture, you can see a candle decorated with handmade ribbon.

A few tips to keep in mind if you are able to find some silk clothing to recycle at thrift stores or secondhand shops:
1) Always wash the fabric to remove odors.

2) Use a scissors to cut the first 2-3 inches of the fabric strip and then tear by hand for the slightly unraveled and rustic texture.

3) After each strip is torn, use your fingers to remove any long stray threads and snip the ends of the ribbons if they are unsightly.

4) Do not try and tear through seams.

5) Use your handmade ribbons for jewelry, scrap booking, or wrapping special gifts.


  1. what a find - i love those kind of surprises! looks great tied around your candle.
